Posted by Wyatt on September 1, 2020

Rethink and reset

In times of investment setbacks, it’s important to rethink and reset.

The strategy of the past may not be the strategy of the future.

That’s why it’s important not to make “knee-jerk” decisions.

Recovering from investment losses takes calculated decisions.

And this Investor Recovery Report can help.

The reality is that there’s been a market downturn every 3.6 years.1

As a result, there’s plenty of historical data and lessons we can apply to today’s times (though we always have to remember that the past cannot predict the future).

If you’re wondering what the “best” next step is…

Or if you need to rethink and reset your strategy…

Then take a few moments right now and read this report.

It will take you 10 minutes or less.

Inside you’ll learn the 3 essential steps to take right now.

Most importantly, you’ll read what NOT to do, what your next step should be, and how to restore your dreams.

You may also find some “hidden” opportunities that only arise in times like this.

Read Now: Investment Recovery Report: What Does the Future Hold?

Supporting your investment recovery,

Wyatt Swartz

Posted by Wyatt on August 27, 2020

Who makes you happy?

Good relationships are the key to our happiness, health, and long, well-lived life.1

We take the time to appreciate these relationships on birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. But, day to day, they’re easy to take for granted.

Neglect can turn into active damage when we’re experiencing stress, pressure, and instability.2

As common as that cycle is, it’s also easy to stop.

Gratitude can nurture and strengthen our relationships. It can remind us why we care about someone and the good qualities they have. It can also encourage us, and someone else, to do things to make our relationship last.3

Most people acknowledge that to some degree.4

Yet, many find it hard to express gratitude beyond “thanks.” That’s especially true between friends and colleagues.4

Sound familiar?

If so, simply having a greater awareness of gratitude can help you express it in more meaningful ways.3 This can make your relationships closer while profoundly enriching your life.

Want to read more about how gratitude can change your life?


Wyatt Swartz

Posted by Wyatt on August 24, 2020

Is a brand-name or independent advisor a safer bet?

I want to share some important information with you.

Most people assume buying a brand name is the safest bet. But should you apply that same thinking to hiring a financial advisor?

Unfortunately, what you don’t know might prove to be costly for you.

How costly? A 2015 government task force1 estimated the cost at $17 billion dollars per year to Americans. Yes, that’s billions with a “b” — every year.

Avoid a potentially expensive mistake. Get our FREE quick guide to learn how to hire the right type of financial advisor for you.

Or if you’re already working with an advisor, why not double-check that you really understand what’s at risk? Your future is too important.

Download the Free Guide Here!

Warm Regards,

Wyatt Swartz