Good relationships are the key to our happiness, health, and long, well-lived life.1
We take the time to appreciate these relationships on birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. But, day to day, they’re easy to take for granted.
Neglect can turn into active damage when we’re experiencing stress, pressure, and instability.2
As common as that cycle is, it’s also easy to stop.
Gratitude can nurture and strengthen our relationships. It can remind us why we care about someone and the good qualities they have. It can also encourage us, and someone else, to do things to make our relationship last.3
Most people acknowledge that to some degree.4
Yet, many find it hard to express gratitude beyond “thanks.” That’s especially true between friends and colleagues.4
Sound familiar?

If so, simply having a greater awareness of gratitude can help you express it in more meaningful ways.3 This can make your relationships closer while profoundly enriching your life.
Want to read more about how gratitude can change your life?
Wyatt Swartz